In March, Supabase held a Launch Week where we launched a new product/feature every day for a week.
It may seem crazy to do another launch week just four months later, but we couldn't give up on a good pun, so get ready for Launch Week II: the SQL.
What to expect
Just like last time, we don't want to spoil the surprise. So for now we'll give you a teaser of what to expect. Come back each day to see what we launch, or follow us on Twitter to keep up to date: @supabase and follow the hashtag #supalaunchweek.
Monday 26 July: Community Day
Monday 26 July 2021.
One of the best things about building Supabase is the community. We're even luckier because we're an amalgamation of tools like Postgres and PostgREST. We're starting the week by shining a spotlight on some of the latest developments from the community.
Read the blog post.
Tuesday 27 July: Storage v2
Tuesday 27 July 2021.1
We shipped Version 1 of Supabase Storage in the last Launch Week, and now we've had 4 months to work on Storage Reloaded.
Read the blog post.
Wednesday 28 July: Auth v2
Wednesday 28 July 2021.1
What's cooler than Arnie in the 90's? Passwordless logins. We've already built support for eight different Oauth providers, so it's anyone's guess what can happen in NBase Auth Episode II.
Read the blog post.
Thursday 29 July: Dashboard v2
Thursday 29 July 2021.
Who needs a futuristic Hoverboard from 2015 when you've got a super slick Dashboard from 2021. We've got some exciting changes coming to the Dashboard.
Read the blog post.
Friday 30 July: One more thing
Friday 30 July 2021.
We all know that the best SeQueLs are actually PreQueLs. We've got a few surprises lined up for Friday that make the Supabase story a bit more complete.
Read about Supabase Hackathon, Supabase Functions Updates, and the Supabase Swag Store.
When we first announced, Storage was on Wednesday and Auth was on Tuesday. We switched the order of these as we are doing a Storage presentation with daily.dev on Wednesday. ↩ ↩2